It offers a complete solution by combining a durable business card, a enforcement Mobile from Followed by meetings Called Cardynale, and a platform integrated for information management, the personalizing, the team management, the lead tracking, and much more.
The benefits of the product
The map is made in France, with a production based in Orléans, from recycled wood.
On the site, you can personalize and preview the engraving of your card.
The information on the map is editable instantly and for free.
Thanks to the “” buttonswap“, you can receive the contact details of your prospect directly from your digital profile.
Each meets is automatically listed in the Cardynale app.
You can integrate PDF documents to highlight your business with flyers, brochures, a portfolio, etc.
A single card can include several digital profiles. For example, you can create a profile for one of your ancillary activities, such as community volunteering, an independent consultant role, or an artistic passion.
The benefits of the Cardynale 📱 app
With the free Cardynale mobile app, you can contextualize and List your encounters using Tags And notes.
Scan paper business cards of your prospects and instantly find their contact form created in Cardynale.
THEaddition of contacts on LinkedIn is simplified And reminders are created for your meetings.
Application: Cardynal
The advantages of the digital platform 💻
This platform centralizes the management of your team's cards And the personalizing of your profile.
Manage the cards of your collaborators or leave them manage independently, according to your preference.
All your collaborators' data is managed in a single database.
Get detailed statistics on the use of connected cards, such as the number of leads generated by each salesperson, the notable employees As well as a comparison of prospects over a given period of time.
Enrich your encounters directly on the Cardynale platform: number of employees, company, siren number etc.
Then export them to your CRM preferred in two clicks. (Hubspot, Salesforce, Pipedrive, Microsoft Dynamics...)
The JustOneCard by Cardynale team is proprietary of its technology and is constantly working to improve this platform.
Exporting your scanned meetings, from Cardynale, to Pipedrive CRM for example.